
Page Last Updated - February 13 2025

smokyridge.org is currently not officially maintained and is community driven. See disclaimer on the footer and read the site news.

Site News

2/13/2025 - Hi, site owner here. I've kinda given up updating this site since the HOA no longer provides any sort of meaningful information. There's apparently a January newsletter, but I heard it was only posted on Facebook. There was no announcement about the January Board meeting or agenda other than a few signs with the smallest e-mail address ever (which takes forever to get a response to). The management company has provided inaccurate information about a variety of topics time and time again (remember the dues notice that took forever to correct?). As of this writing, we can't even validate what they say about our finances in the newsletters because the posted financials are half a year old, plus there hasn't been a reserve study for years.

I encourage people to become involved in the HOA, but if you join the Board, make sure they carry an appropriate Directors & Officers Insurance policy (as of this writing they do). A few years ago, the Board president dropped it because he said it was duplicate insurance, but he didn't/doesn't understand personal liability.

Vote NO on the CC&R document updates. The Board hasn't provided any type of incentives for residents to consider it and the language even makes it seem like they're responsible for less of the common areas (we don't even have that much to start with!). The HOA also has to follow Colorado state law regardless of the documents in force.

In any case, here's a picture of a corgi.


Next Scheduled Board Meeting - Monday, February 10, 2025, 6:30pm at Location TBD

2025 Association Dues - Total Dues are $584.65 ($292.32 due semi-annually on January 1st and July 1st with a grace period of 10 days each, well, it's off by a penny)

ACC Requests - Visit the Homeowners' Portal to review the ACC Request Instructions, ACC Guidelines, and the ACC Fillable Request Form.

Declaration Voting - Members are currently voting on the Amended and Restated Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions. Letter dated September 21, 2023, initially sent via e-mail on October 4, 2023. Signed proxies are valid for 11 months. Ratification requires 2/3rds approval. The Board may petition the District Court for Arapahoe County to approve the Declaration as long as the requirements for the petition have been met. Once they reach 172 yes votes, the Board has indicated they will make the petition, and they are committed to getting this passed.

HOA Management

Westwind Management Group
27 Inverness Drive East
Englewood, CO 80012

Double check with additional sources if contacting Westwind for information.

Phone: (720) 756-3183
E-Mail: smokyridge@westwindmanagement.com
Homeowners' Portal - https://portal.westwindmanagement.com/

Regularly Updated Documents

Homeowners' Portal Last Checked - (Early Morning) February 13, 2025